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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Helpline set up for anyone affected by foundling

21 March 2018

A range of telephone support is available for those affected by the news of the newborn baby boy who was left at Jersey's General Hospital early on Sunday 18 March; this is part of the States of Jersey's multi-agency response to the event.

The contact numbers are:

  • For the mother (or friends or family on her behalf) to contact the midwife - 01534 442456 (available 24/7)
  • For anyone with information about the mother - 07797 920322 (available 24/7)
  • Helpline for anyone emotionally affected  ā€“ 01534 444553 (open for calls from 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours callers will receive information about contacting the Samaritans)

Interim Director of Specialist Services for Health and Social Services, Cheryl Power said: "The amount of social media activity has shown how this news has affected Islanders. The official posts have reached an unprecedented number of people, and the comments left show just how compassionate people are for both mother's and baby's situation. 

"People have wanted to get involved and, while we are not in a position to accept donations, we are very grateful to everyone who has offered them. The baby boy is doing well and we are planning for his long-term future, which requires careful consideration about how he is helped, and the questions that he will naturally ask in a few years' time. While we are very keen for his mother to come forward, we must think about him."

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