16 July 2018

​A discussion forum for people living and working near Jersey’s proposed new hospital is planned for this week.
Residents and workers are invited to a hospital neighbourhood forum to consider practical issues arising from the planning, early and enabling works, and building of a new hospital for Jersey.
The first neighbourhood forum will take place on Wednesday 18 July 2018, 6 pm to 8pm at All Saints Church Hall in Parade Gardens. Everyone living or working near the existing hospital is invited, as well as the Connétable of St Helier and town deputies.
The first meeting will consider:
- how people in the area want to be involved and kept informed
- construction preparation works
- traffic flow
- how builders will address construction disruption
- dates and times for future meetings
- forum membership and organisation
The Minister for Health and Social Services Deputy Richard Renouf, said “As part of the planning process for a project of this type, it is established good practice to invite people to give their views on the application, particularly in the run up to a public inquiry, and I hope it will help forge good relationships with people living and working in the hospital area.”
Project Director (Health Brief), Future Hospital Project, Bernard Place said “The neighbourhood forum is one of number of ways the Future Hospital team is listening to people’s views. The intention is that this type of engagement will continue throughout the life of the new hospital project.”
The meeting is being organised by the Future Hospital team. It will be informal. People can turn up for all or part of the meeting. Tea and coffee will be served.
If people can’t make the first forum but would like to attend future meetings or be kept informed by a neighbourhood newsletter, they can email futurehospital@gov.je.
To find out more about the new hospital proposals:
Background information
Future Hospital is a project to build a new safe, sustainable and affordable hospital for Jersey. The current hospital is no longer fit for purpose and needs replacing. If plans for a new hospital on the existing General Hospital and Westaway Court sites are approved later this year, the first clinical areas will open in four years, with the remaining clinical areas of the hospital completed in 2024.
An outline (not detailed design) planning application was submitted to planning officers in April 2018 after the previous States Assembly approved the location, the budget and the method of funding.
The public inquiry into the outline planning application will start on 17 September 2018 at St Paul's Centre.
Ongoing work and hospital board review
The decision to continue working on the hospital project while the review is being carried out means if the review confirms the site is the best one for Jersey, the cost and timing of the hospital will remain on track and the hospital will open in 2024.