02 August 2018
Jersey’s Planning Committee has approved an application from Jersey Zoo to build a new charity shop on green zone land in Trinity.
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust applied to build a single-storey 40 by 24 metre retail building, plus parking for 35 cars, on La Profonde Rue, Trinity.
A Planning Department report on the application assessed it against the current Island Plan and recommended refusal, as it goes against a number of States-approved policies, including a presumption against new buildings in the Green Zone. The report also warned against harming the character of Jersey’s countryside and nearby listed buildings.
The report said the plans also go against a policy that restricts new shopping facilities to town and other built-up areas. This policy is designed to limit out of town shopping, which could threaten St Helier retail businesses.
The application also fails to make the most efficient and effective use of land and buildings because it is for a new building, rather than repurposing an existing building, such as a disused agricultural store the Zoo currently uses as a shop.
The report acknowledged the level of support for the application that was received by the self-funded international charity. More than 100 letters were submitted from people and organisations, and many were from other zoos and conservation organisations around the world.
The Planning Committee members, having heard the significant case in favour of the proposal, found that there was enough justification to approve the application as an exception to Island Plan policy.
The Chair of the Committee, Deputy Russell Labey, echoed the sentiments expressed by those supporting the proposal and said: “It’s not just Jersey that needs Durrell, it’s the whole world, and this development will help secure the zoo’s future and the survival of this planet’s species.”​