23 October 2018
​An update on the progress made in 2017 towards reducing the island’s greenhouse gas emissions has been published.
Pathway 2050: An Energy Plan for Jersey was adopted by the States Assembly in 2014 as a commitment to reducing our Jersey greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, compared with 1990 levels. The report provides an overview of progress made during 2017, the third year of its implementation.
Actions taken in 2017 included:
- Community Buildings Programme upgraded 19 buildings with LED lighting
- LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) was introduced by the rural economy team, bringing Jersey’s agricultural environmental performance in line with best practice
- eco-friendly parking permit scheme encouraged uptake of low-emission vehicles by offering free parking for one year for newly registered vehicles
By the end of 2016 Jersey’s greenhouse gas emissions had dropped 36% since 1990.
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, said: “The recently released IPCC report has highlighted the need for urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally. For us in Jersey, this emphasises the need to continue the crucial work streams agreed in the Energy Plan, the importance of which is now recognised in the proposed Statement of Common Strategic Priorities.”
Jersey's Energy Plan: year 3 update report