02 October 2018
​Between 4 and 8 October, islanders can hear about upcoming changes to how tax and other revenues are collected, including the launch of online services and online tax filing in 2020.
In a series of 90 minute events, Richard Summersgill, Comptroller of Taxes, will outline the vision for Revenue Jersey, a new States function that will join together the Taxes Office, Social Security Contributions staff and in time other States revenue collection teams.
The briefings will also provide a first look at the new Revenue Management System (RMS) that will allow taxpayers to file their personal tax returns online from 2020. RMS will replace the current 35 year old tax system and provide digital services that will offer customers a quicker, more convenient way of managing their taxes and other revenues.
In addition to hearing about the digital services, the public will be informed about how Revenue Jersey will make it easier for the vast majority of customers who want to get their revenue obligations right, whilst dealing with the rare cases of evasion and dishonesty quickly and fairly. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions to a panel of experts.
As well as general public briefings, there will be tailored sessions for finance and non-finance businesses, small enterprises and payroll providers and IT system suppliers. Anyone who has concerns about digital services can attend a presentation on 8th October which will highlight the steps being taken to ensure that all services will be accessible for all.
Places at any of the Revenue Jersey October public briefings can be booked by visiting here, or calling 440050.