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Shoppers asked for their views on retail in Jersey

26 September 2018

​Consumers are being asked for their views on shopping in Jersey as part of research that will help shape the direction of Jersey’s retail sector.

Islanders and tourists will be asked to contribute their opinions anonymously online, and researchers from 4insight, the company commissioned to undertake the independent research, will conduct street interviews at shopping areas across the island. The survey begins today (Wednesday 26 September) and will close on Wednesday 24 October.

Senator Lyndon Farnham, Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture said: “We have been working to develop a retail development strategy which will help to shape and support the long-term future of this important part of Jersey’s economy. We have the views of the industry and government, and this survey will give us the views of consumers so that we have the full picture.

 â€śThe retail industry is the joint second largest sector in Jersey, employing around 7,750 people and contributing more than ÂŁ280 million to the economy. The strategy will focus on the potential for industry and government to work in partnership to support sustainable growth in the sector, taking account of emerging issues and policies, and helping the industry prepare for whatever the future holds.”

The Jersey Retail Association (JRA), which represents the industry’s views, has been involved in the strategy’s development, and a working group – which includes the JRA, the Consumer Council, the Chamber of Commerce and retailers from every sector and area of the island – will be determining the practical steps that will be taken by government and the industry.

The JRA Chairman, and Chairman of the Working Group, David Elliott, said: “We are looking forward to engaging with the public and hearing their views. I would urge everyone who shops to contribute an honest appraisal of their experience buying goods on the high street and online. Their views will help us to ensure that shopping in Jersey continues to be vibrant and to meet our customers’ expectations.”

The survey’s questions have been informed by the responses of a number of consumer focus groups run by 4insight, which highlighted the issues that they felt were most important.
The results of the survey are expected to be finalised by the end of October.

To take part in the consultation, which includes a competition to attract respondents, visit here or go to 4insight’s homepage.

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