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Consultation on safer routes to school in St Saviour

24 October 2018

​A drop-in session is being held on at Hautlieu School from 4:30pm to 7pm on Thursday, 25 October, to enable islanders to see and consider proposals to make it safer for walkers and cyclists going to Hautlieu School or along Bagatelle Lane.

Two consultations are being launched at the session, one to gauge the concerns of Bagatelle Lane’s residents and users, and the other on proposals for improving Wellington Road.

The Parish of St Saviour and Growth Housing and Environment have worked together to develop the proposals as part of the Safer Routes to School programme. The proposal for Wellington Road is:

  • a new zebra crossing by Bagatelle Lane and the Oakfield Sports Centre entrance, which is on the walking route to Hautlieu School
  • localised pavement widening
  • visibility improvements when exiting Oakfield Sports Centre

The proposals will be on show at the drop-in session, and officers will be there to answer questions. Questionnaires can be completed at the session, and the consultation will be available online until Thursday 8 November.

St Saviour's safer routes to school - consultation

All the feedback will be reviewed, with other factors, before the final proposals are set out.

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