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Premature Mortality report for 2014 to 2016

13 June 2018

This latest report by the Public Health Statistics Unit presents statistics on the premature deaths of Jersey residents between 2014 and 2016.

Over the period 2014-16 one out of every three deaths (34 per cent) was classed as premature, that is, the individual was under 75 years of age. The number and percentage of premature deaths over the period is very similar to those over the previous period (2013-2015).

In terms of age standardised mortality rates (ASMR) over the period 2014-2016:

  • in Jersey, premature mortality was 304 per 100,000 population per year, a rate significantly better than the average for England and ranking Jersey amongst the best when compared to English regions
  • for premature deaths due to heart disease and stroke, Jersey would be categorised as among the best when compared to English regions, ranking 20th out of 151 regions
  • premature mortality due to cancer in Jersey was similar to the English average. When compared to English regions, Jersey ranked 97th out of 151 regions. Almost half of all cancer deaths in Jersey occurred in the under 75 age group
  • for premature deaths from lung disease, Jersey would rank amongst the English regions with the lowest rates; 7th out of 150 regions
  • Jerseyā€™s premature mortality rate for diseases of the liver was similar to the average for England; compared to the English regions, Jersey ranked 79th out of 151 regions
  • when deaths from lung cancer at all ages is compared with the England average, Jersey was significantly worse. Compared to English regions, Jersey ranked 118th out of 151 regions

Premature mortality report for 2014-2016


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