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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Safety and consistency on 20mph roads

27 February 2019

In an effort to increase road safety and ensure greater speed consistency along roads, speed limits in St Helier and Grouville are changing from Friday, 1 March.

New 20mph zones will be introduced inside the St Helier ring road, in the Grouville parts of Gorey Village, and the roads to the south and east of Grouville School.

A 30mph speed limit will be introduced along the east coast road from the existing 20mph speed limit at Ville Ć©s Renaud to the existing 30mph speed limit at the parish boundary with St Clement.

The changes were requested by the parishes following parish assembly meetings. They form part of an island-wide review of speed limits being carried out under the Road Safety Action Plan which was introduced by the former Department for Infrastructure at the end of 2016.

All Jerseyā€™s speed limits will be reviewed by the end of 2019 with the aim of improving road safety and making sure that the setting of speed limits is consistent across all parishes.

A list of the roads affected and maps showing the speed limit zones can be found on

Grouville speed limit

St Helier Phase speed limit

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