17 December 2019

The Jersey Royal Court has sentenced Alexander Cullen to 14 years of imprisonment for importing 10 kg of heroin, with a value of up to £10 million.
Andrew Hunt, Acting Director for Jersey Customs and Immigration Service said: “The 10 kg of heroin seized from Alexander Cullen’s vehicle is the largest drug seizure ever made in Jersey.
“The 10kg of heroin, if successfully imported and distributed, would have resulted in significant profit for the organisers whilst negatively impacting some of the most vulnerable people in our society. The high purity of some of the heroin indicates that the consignment might have been further cut to achieve even greater profits.
“Making such significant seizures plays an essential part in identifying and disrupting organised crime groups involved in the importation of drugs into the Island. We work alongside the States of Jersey Police and a range of other agencies in the UK and abroad to achieve this.”