08 July 2019

The island’s largest housing provider, Andium Homes, has signed up to join the Government of Jersey’s voluntary landlord accreditation scheme.
Rent Safe was launched in response to the introduction of minimum standards for rental accommodation. The scheme recognises landlords and agents who can show that their properties meet minimum requirements and helps potential tenants to identify housing providers that offer safe, good quality homes.
Andium manages more than 4,500 properties and provides homes for more than 10,000 islanders. The properties will now be fully assessed, and given ratings to demonstrate the standards that they meet.
The Minister for Children and Housing, Senator Sam Mézec, said: “I am delighted that Andium Homes have committed to Rent Safe. As Jersey’s largest landlord, this marks an important milestone for Andium, for their tenants, and for the Rent Safe team.
“Everyone in Jersey deserves to have an affordable, secure and good quality place to live. Rent Safe shows tenants that they can be confident in their homes and in their housing provider.”
Carl Mavity, Head of Service Management for Andium Homes, said: “Andium Homes has always been supportive of initiatives which improve housing standards, or which offer greater protection for tenants. We are therefore very pleased to be joining the Rent Safe Scheme.
“By the end of this year we will achieve 100% compliance with the Decent Homes Standard, so the injection of an additional 4,500 good quality homes, managed by a well-known and trusted landlord, will provide a significant boost to the list of accredited Rent Safe landlords.”
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, said: “Andium Homes joining Rent Safe is excellent news for tenants across the island.
“All landlords – from those who own one property, to those who provide many homes – should consider signing up for Rent Safe, to demonstrate that their properties are safe and secure. I would encourage any landlords who are yet to sign up to make the commitment.”