12 August 2019

Islanders suffering from Diffuse Mesothelioma, a disease related to exposure to asbestos, will be able to apply for a one-off lump-sum compensation payment from 1 October 2019. Additionally, close relatives of islanders who have died from Diffuse Mesothelioma will be able to claim compensation.
This disease is linked to the extensive use of asbestos in building and other industries in the past. The disease often develops much later in life and, once diagnosed, is associated with a short life expectancy.
The scheme, which is based on the UK Diffuse Mesothelioma compensation scheme, has been developed following an e-petition launched last year which attracted 1,354 signatures and a proposition P.124/2018 lodged by Deputy Alves, which went for States debate in October last year.
Claimants will need to meet the following eligibility criteria:
- be 18 years or older
- be resident in Jersey for the last 5 years
- have a diagnosis of diffuse mesothelioma from a consultant in Jersey
- claim within 12 months of first diagnosis
- have been exposed to asbestos containing materials (ACM) in Jersey
A close relative of a deceased Diffuse Mesothelioma sufferer will also be able to apply for a lump-sum amount retrospectively, based on the following eligibility criteria:
- be ordinarily resident in Jersey for the last five years
- be a relation of the deceased sufferer
- claim for a sufferer who was eligible for the Scheme on the date of their death; and
- claim within 12 months of the deceased sufferer’s death
Amount of compensation based on the age of the sufferer and will range between £92,259 for an individual aged 37 and under, to £14,334 for an individual aged 77 and over. For example, an individual aged 70 would receive a payment of £17,961. It is planned that these amounts will increase annually, in line with Jersey RPI.
Social Security Minister, Deputy Judy Martin said: “The use of asbestos is now highly regulated but this disease can occur many years after the initial exposure.
The aim of the new scheme is to ensure that sufferers can receive a lump sum payment quickly and easily.”