05 March 2019

Proposed measures to make Bagatelle Lane a safer route to school for students will go on show at an open drop-in session at Hautlieu School from 4:30pm to 6:30pm on Thursday, 7 March.
The proposals involve:
- changing the lane to become one-way for northbound traffic (from Bagatelle Road to Wellington Road)
- creating a virtual footway (a coloured area with bollards with pedestrian priority)
- widening the pavement at the northern junction to improve visibility for drivers as they exit from the lane
- changing the road surface colour at the junction with Bagatelle Road to highlight the lane as a residential road with pedestrian priority areas
The parish recently introduced changes in Chasse Brunet, and this is the next part of the St Saviour’s Schools Action Plan to encourage students to walk, cycle and use the bus with the aim of reducing traffic and increasing student physical activity, providing health benefits.
Representatives from St Saviour and a technical team from Growth, Housing and Environment will be at the drop-in session to answer questions. Those attending will be able to complete questionnaires on the proposals.
Anyone who can’t attend can still see proposals and give their views by going online to www.gov.je/consult from Thursday, 7 March until Thursday, 21 March.
The proposals follow an initial consultation in autumn 2018, when the community expressed concerns about the road’s safety, particularly for pedestrians. The proposals are based on suggestions made in the initial consultation and have been developed jointly by the parish and department.
Following the consultation, the parish will decide on the proposals.