02 July 2019

Islanders will be able to apply to take part in an island wide bat survey during July.
The Jersey Bat Survey are looking for volunteers to help monitor the bat population with AudioMoth bat detectors. Volunteers will receive a location, and receive advice and support on the best way to look after and use the device.
Volunteers of any background and experience are welcome to get involved and join the Wild Volunteer team. A training event will highlight more facts about the project on Sunday 7 July, between 13:00 – 15:00 at Howard Davis Farm.
Nina Cornish, Research Ecologist from Growth Housing and Environment said: “Bats are an important part of worldwide and local ecosystems and play a vital role in controlling pests, pollinating plants and promoting reforestation. The Government of Jersey, like other jurisdictions in Europe, are monitoring long term trends to determine the health of the local population.”
The Jersey Bat Survey (JbatS) is a new research project run in partnership with Growth, Housing and Environment, University College London and the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT). The project aims to assess how new technologies can be used to monitor local bat populations.
If you would like to attend or have any enquiries please contact Henry william.glynn.17@ucl.ac.uk