26 September 2019

Islanders in their sixtieth year who have not recently attended for bowel screening are being asked to come forward as soon as possible to have the potentially life-saving test.
An invitation to undergo the free test has been sent out to all islanders born in 1959. The test looks for the pre-cursors of cancer – growths known as polyps. Polyps are harmless at first but can sometimes develop into cancer if they're not found and removed.
Colorectal (bowel) cancer is the third most common cause of cancer in Jersey causing, on average, 55 new cases diagnosed per year. However, nine out of ten cases of bowel cancer can be treated successfully if diagnosed early. Most bowel cancers occur when people are in their 70th decade. Evidence shows that 60 is the best age to carry out the screening to prevent most bowel cancers from developing.
Consultant Gastroenterologist at the General Hospital Dr David Ng said: "Don’t let embarrassment get in the way of a free examination that could save your life from bowel cancer. If a polyp is discovered, it is removed and should prevent bowel cancer from occurring. The good news is if bowel cancer is caught in its early stages then the prognosis is more than a five-year survival rate."
Anyone born in 1959 who has not attended their screening or who did not receive a letter, is now being encouraged to contact the bowel screening team by phoning 01534 444376 or emailing bowelscreening@health.gov.je.