31 December 2019

A strategy that sets out how the Island will address the climate emergency declared by the States Assembly earlier this year is today (Tuesday, 31 December) being published.
The Carbon Neutral Strategy sets out the strategic and scientific context; presents defining principles; and proposes the next steps for making Jersey carbon neutral.
The strategy is founded on the principle that, to be successful, everyone will have to play their part. For that reason, while it includes possible carbon-reducing measures and their impact, all Islanders will be invited to give their own suggestions for what could be included in future climate action plans.
The strategy also proposes to establish Jersey’s first citizens’ assembly, to consider the options, and recommend the scale of Jersey’s ambition for carbon neutrality and the deadline for meeting it. The citizens’ assembly will be constituted of a randomly-selected group who of Islanders who reflect Jersey’s demography.
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, said: "The last decade has brought home the environmental realities and public attitudes have changed, particularly in response to the leadership shown by young people, a movement which I personally find inspiring. Our planet is their future – our children, grandchildren and future generations.  
"The States Assembly voted in May this year to declare a climate emergency, and asked for a plan to aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. It’s hard to put an effective plan together in such a short timescale, but I’m very confident that we’ve set a route map for the long-term, not just the next few years.
"The Government and the States Assembly will take the tough decisions to change laws, taxes and regulations and to build new sustainable infrastructure. But this will not be enough unless each of us faces up to the impact that being carbon neutral will have on our daily lives.
"This is why our strategy is to engage the power of people across our Island and to make carbon neutrality the defining mission of our next decade. Together, we can show ourselves, our peers and future generations of Islanders, the great things we can achieve when we all work together."
A briefing will be held for States Members, the media, and other stakeholders, early in the new year. If the States Assembly approve the Carbon Neutral Strategy, a long-term climate action plan will be published, consulted on and lodged for debate by the Assembly by late 2020.