03 May 2019

The Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, has issued the statement below, following the States Assembly adoption of P.27/2019, Climate change emergency: actions to be taken by the Government of Jersey.
“I’m delighted that the States Assembly has recognised the urgent need for Jersey to accelerate its carbon reduction actions, aiming to be carbon-neutral by 2030. On behalf of the Council of Ministers I will bring forward a plan on how to achieve this to the States Assembly by the end of 2019.
“This aim supports the existing Energy Plan actions, and aligns with the ‘to protect and value our environment’ key strategic priority in the Common Strategic Policy, adopted by the Assembly in December 2018.
“Achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 is extremely ambitious and challenging and will require new policies and measures. The majority of the island’s emissions arise from hydrocarbon space heating in homes and businesses and from our travel and transport, both on-island and from external links.
“I will be encouraging the Assembly to be brave and make difficult decisions to reduce our carbon emissions. In making these decisions the States Assembly will need to evaluate the social and economic impacts of their commitment to the island and islanders in the future.”