08 March 2019

​The Members of the Panel that carried out the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry into the abuse of children in the island's care system will begin a review of the progress made since they delivered their recommendations in July 2017.
The Panel Members, comprising Frances Oldham QC, Professor Alexander Cameron and Alyson Leslie, will carry out their independent review and report their results by the two-year anniversary of the Inquiry, in July 2019.
This review was one of the recommendations made by the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry. The final report recommended in July 2017 that “…the Panel returns to the island in two years to hear from those providing the services and those receiving them. We would envisage that this would be undertaken in a public forum, similar to Phase 3 of the Inquiry. It may be that the Children’s Commissioner, when appointed, could invite the Panel, who would report within a very short timescale after hearing from key participants.”
On receiving the report, the Government of Jersey pledged to invite the Inquiry Panel back within two years.
Children’s Minister, Senator Sam Mézec, welcomed the review and added: “The Government agreed all of the recommendations in the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry report. We welcome this review and will work openly with the Panel to show the progress that has been made since the Care Inquiry made its important recommendations almost two years ago.”
Jersey’s Children’s Commissioner Deborah McMillan, added: “I have formally invited the Panel back to Jersey and prepared the timeline for this important piece of work. I welcome the opportunity to have independent oversight into how Jersey is doing two years since the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry. I want to hear if things are better for children, how things have changed since the Inquiry and what else needs to be done.”
The Panel will be reviewing the progress of delivering the recommendations of the Care Inquiry through a literature review, interviews and visits to the island, consultation, and public hearings. The public consultation will be during March and April, with public hearings held during May and a final report by July 2019.