18 September 2019

A review will be published next week revealing the progress made in the two years since the report by the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry into the abuse of children in the island’s care system.
At 1pm on Monday, 23 September, members of the Panel who carried out the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry will publish their review of the progress made since July 2017. This will be held at St Paul’s Centre and is open to the public to attend.
Panel members Frances Oldham QC, Professor Alexander Cameron and Alyson Leslie were invited back to the island by the Children’s Commissioner to carry out a review. This involved speaking to more than 200 people in Jersey and receiving input from more than 300 members of the public, experts and others.
This review was one of the recommendations made by the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry when they published their final report in July 2017. It recommended that “…the Panel returns to the island in two years to hear from those providing the services and those receiving them. We envisage that this would be undertaken in a public forum, similar to Phase 3 of the Inquiry. It may be that the Children’s Commissioner, when appointed, could invite the Panel...”
The Panel returned to the island during the spring and summer this year to carry out their review and held meetings with politicians, civil servants, the public and professionals and arranged meetings and consultations, literature reviews, interviews and public hearings.
The report will be published on www.ijcipanel.org website at 2pm on Monday.​