20 December 2019

Statistics Jersey have today published the Changes in Retail Prices, Jersey and UK, June 2019 report. This report presents the relative movement of retail prices in Jersey and the UK by looking at the Retail Prices Index (RPI) for each jurisdiction between June 2005 and June 2019.
In addition, a comparison of both retail and pre-tax prices for selected dutiable goods that are subject to Impôts (excise duties) is also presented.
Price movements
- over the fourteen-year period from 2005 to 2019, the overall increase of the RPI in Jersey (46%) has been higher than that of the UK adjusted RPI (39%)
- the overall increase in 7 of the RPI groups, Food, Catering, Alcoholic drinks, Housing, Household services, clothing & footwear and motoring, were higher in Jersey than in the UK
- in contrast, the overall increase in 7 of the RPI groups, Tobacco, Fuel & light, Household goods, Personal goods & services, Fares & other travel, Leisure goods and leisure services were lower in Jersey than in the UK
Dutiable goods
- the pre-tax prices of alcohol, tobacco and motor fuels were higher in Jersey than in the UK in June 2019. The mean pre-tax price of:
- a pint of bitter was £1.09 higher in Jersey than in the UK, a pint of lager was £1.29 and that of a nip of whisky was 88p higher in Jersey
- cigarettes were 43p per pack of 20 cigarettes lower in Jersey than in the UK
- petrol and diesel were higher in Jersey than in the UK by 17p and 13p respectively
Changes in retail prices Jersey and UK June 2019 report