24 May 2019

Negotiators representing the Government of Jersey have concluded a series of productive discussions with the unions representing civil service employees, with the aim of settling ongoing disputes over civil service pay.
As a result of these negotiations, the Government has been able to make an updated pay offer, which will now be put to ballot by the unions.
The Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, commented: "I am encouraged by the positive engagement that has taken place with the unions and that this has led to a renewed offer. I am also grateful that the civil service unions have agreed to suspend industrial action while this is subject to ballot.
"I hope that this offer, which is the result of intensive discussions, will be acceptable to the union membership so that we can conclude this matter."
The current three-year pay offer for civil servants is worth 1% in 2018 and 1% in 2019, plus 2.1% in one-off cash payments over those two years.
In 2020, the third year, the offer is RPI plus 1.3% (with RPI currently expected to be 3.1%).
The offer also improves holiday allowances for civil servants. If approved, with effect from 1 July 2019, new employees would receive 25 days' annual leave, those who have worked for 5 years or more would receive 28 days' annual leave, and those having worked for 10 years or more, 31 days' annual leave.
The offer also commits the parties to creating a steering group of senior managers and union officials, with the aim of identifying recurring and one-off savings which will then be shared on a 50:50 basis between civil servants and the Government.
Formal pay offer made to civil service unions