28 June 2019

Agricultural workers are being asked to keep an eye out for an invasive beetle, which is known to cause damage to potato and tomato crops.
The current weather conditions mean that the Colorado Beetle, which is not established in Jersey, may be able to reach the island from France. Warm temperatures and easterly winds are forecast for today, which could carry the flying beetles over the sea.
If the beetle were to become established in Jersey, it would have a huge impact on the island’s potato crop. Growth, Housing and Environment is therefore asking islanders to be vigilant, and to report any sightings of the beetle to the department. Farmers are also asked to make sure that field workers know what the beetle looks like.
The beetles are approximately 10 milimetres long, with a yellow body and dark brown stripes.
Anyone who sees a Colorado Beetle should report the sighting to environment@gov.je.