30 January 2019

A new Combined Control Room for the Ambulance, Fire and Rescue Service and Police became operational yesterday after three months of joint planning and preparation.
The move aims to provide a modern and efficient service that is more responsive to the needs of islanders.
The unit is based at Police headquarters and has brought together control room staff from each service into a single Combined Control Room to deal with emergency calls and share resources.
The three services continue to operate their own control systems but will benefit from the ability to share information quickly, ensuring the most effective and appropriate response to any situation.
Home Affairs Minister, Connétable Len Norman, said: “I am delighted to see the Combined Control Room in operation. It marks a significant milestone in our collective efforts to a deliver a modern, effective, efficient and integrated ‘blue lights’ and emergency response service, which works together and responds to the needs of our community.
“It also demonstrates the ethos and teamwork evident within our new Justice and Home Affairs department.”
Chief Ambulance Officer, Peter Gavey, said: “I’m excited about the opportunities that the new Combined Control Room presents. More effective coordination of emergency services assets will have enormous benefits for both islanders and emergency responders. We are delighted to continue to strengthen our already strong bonds with the Fire and Rescue Service and Police.”
Acting Deputy Chief Police Officer, James Wileman, said: “We’re delighted to welcome our colleagues to the new Police headquarters and are looking forward to working even more closely together.”
This is the first stage of a multi-phased project to fully integrate control room personnel and systems.