09 December 2019

​The Government is improving the way it gathers, handles, and manages complaints, compliments and comments about the many services it delivers.
A new Government-wide policy was developed earlier this year, involving stakeholders from all departments. The policy came into effect on 30 September, clearly setting out what customers can expect when they provide their views to government.
Today, a campaign designed to encourage customers to share their feedback about government services, good and bad, is being launched. The initiative is part of the Government’s commitment to putting customers at the heart of its services.
Assistant Chief Minister, Constable Buchanan, explains: “We want to meet the needs and expectations of all our customers. Listening to, and acting upon, their feedback is key to learning and improving as an organisation. We hope that by making it easy for customers to make a complaint or share a compliment, and dealing with all feedback in a consistent, timely and transparent way, we will encourage more customers to share their views, more often."
Feedback on any government service, from hospitals to schools, income support to Active gyms, can be submitted through a number of channels:
- face to face
- on gov.je/feedback
- over the phone: 444444
- via email: feedback@gov.je; and
- by post: PO Box 55, St Helier, JE3 4PE
To help prepare for the launch, training has been rolled out to all staff and a new online system for recording and monitoring feedback has been implemented. The government will also report regularly on its handling of customer complaints.