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Short-break service receives national accreditation

17 December 2019

A group of people hold a 'putting children first' sign
A short-break service at the Department of Children, Young People, Education and Skills has received national recognition for the ‘excellent’ support it provides for autistic children and their families.

Eden House has been accredited by the National Autistic Society and registered by the Jersey Care Commission as a regulated service.

The National Autistic Society’s Autism Accreditation Assessment said that Eden House is ‘extremely valued by parents and carers’ and provides ‘very strong links with family members and schools, leading to positive outcomes, such as greater integration in school and in the wider community.’ It also found that staff ‘reflect on their day-to-day working with autistic children thus continually aiming to improve their daily experiences and quality of life.’

Eden House’s short-break service not only offers children and young people a chance to take part in activities to develop their personal and social skills away from home but also gives parents and primary carers a necessary and valuable break from caring responsibilities.

As part of the accreditation process, staff at Eden House were observed by an independent moderator and a survey was sent to families and young people with autism.
Observations showed that the Eden House team were ‘liked and trusted’ by the children they support.

The Accreditation Assessment described Eden House as an ‘excellent’ service with ‘robust policies, procedures and training’ for staff with a ‘strong vision and leadership’. The assessment also suggested ways in which Eden House could develop its service, and suggested that care and support plans be written in first person and that ‘portable visuals and symbols’ should be used by staff when out and about with children.

The Children’s Minister, Senator Sam MĂ©zec, said: “I am delighted that Eden House has been accredited with this national award and that the staff have been praised for the work they do in introducing the children to more life experiences. My congratulations go to the hard-working and dedicated team at Eden House.”

Eden House manager Chloe Burt said: “The NAS Accreditation is a nationally recognised award that demonstrates the high-quality support provided through Eden House. The accreditation process helps to identify strengths and also the development needs so that we can continue to review and develop our service for children with autism.

“I would like to say a huge thank you to every member of the team; it’s never easy being observed while supporting the children and young people who access our service. This has been a team effort and I am extremely proud to be a part of the team, who are rightly of the achievement and the national recognition they now have as a service supporting children and young people with autism.

“We would like to think that this National Award along with our Registration with the Jersey Care Commission as a regulated service, enhances the confidence for public, children and families that the service we provide is one to be proud of.”

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