10 May 2019

Islanders can have their say on a government strategy for developing post-16 education to ensure Jersey has the right skill sets for the future.
It is hoped that the Strategic Vision for Post-16 Education will give islanders more opportunity to further their education, whether that is school leavers looking to study vocational or academic qualifications, Higher Education studies or people who want to enrol in courses to remain in work or change careers.
The strategic vision aims to respond to anticipated changes to the island’s economy and society. With various technological developments, as well as a growing competition for business, investment and talent, Jersey will need to ensure that its post-16 education can equip islanders with the right skills for the future.
The consultation, which closes on 21 June, proposes six key objectives, from ensuring that the island’s workers meet the demands of the economy and society, to ensuring that relevant and appropriate post-16 education is available and accessible to all.
The Assistant Minister for Education, Deputy Jeremy Maçon, said: "A vibrant tertiary education sector is vital for Jersey’s future. We must ensure that young people – and those looking to return to education later in life – have the right skills to meet the changing demands of the labour market. It is important that all islanders, regardless of age or background, have the opportunity to progress in education and develop their skills. Not only will this strategic vision ensure that the island maintains a secure economy, but it will help us grow our own workforce to meet our future challenges."
Saboohi Famili, Director of Young People, Further Education, Skills and Learning, said: "It is the first time that Further and Higher Education provision has been reviewed and aligned with economic development plans in Jersey. We have to be ready to shape our education system to meet the demands of the future.
"We want to ensure that islanders are educated to the highest level possible. We have all the elements to design, develop and deliver a post-16 education that is fit for Jersey and its economy, as well as being world leading in its approach. We have to look to the future and this strategy for the development of tertiary education forms part of our forward-looking plans."
There are public consultation round-table meetings, for which you need to book a place via the link on this page, on the following dates:
- Wednesday 15 May, 8am to 9am, Bermuda House (Skills Jersey)
- Tuesday 28 May, 12pm to 1pm, Education Committee room (Highlands College)
- Monday 3 June, 10.30pm to 11.30am, Bermuda House (Skills Jersey)
- Monday 10 June, 2pm to 3pm, Education Committee room (Highlands College)
- Thursday 6 June, 6pm to 7pm, Bermuda House (Skills Jersey)
- Wednesday 12 June, 6pm to 7pm, Bermuda House (Skills Jersey)