09 December 2019

The Employment Forum has commenced a consultation on statutory annual leave and rest breaks and is seeking your views.
The Minister for Social Security has directed the Forum to consult on the current statutory annual leave entitlement under the Employment (Jersey) Law 2003 and a proposal to introduce an entitlement to a rest break during the working day.
At present, the Employment Law provides that employees are entitled to at least 2 weeks of leave in each leave year and leave on Christmas Day, Good Friday and all public or bank holidays (or substitution leave). For employees working a 5-day week, this gives effectively 19 days of annual leave.
The Law currently makes provision for rest days but not for rest breaks during the working day.
The Chair of the Employment Forum, Helen Ruelle, commented: “The Forum would like to hear the views of employees and employers and all other stakeholders across the Island on the existing arrangements for annual leave and how some possible changes might be received, including a staged increase in the period of statutory annual leave.
"We also wish to obtain feedback on the proposed introduction of statutory rest breaks during the working day.”
The Forum will base its recommendations on the responses received together with the latest relevant statistical evidence available and other applicable information. The Forum’s recommendation is expected to be presented to the Minister at the end of April 2020.
The Chair added: “The Forum bases it recommendations on the evidence that it receives and so it is vital that we hear from all affected stakeholders. Some stakeholders find it helpful to arrange an individual meeting with the Forum to tell us their views in person and the Forum members find this face-to-face insight valuable.
"Comments can also be submitted through our online survey, by email, phone or in writing. I would encourage stakeholders to get in touch by whatever method suits them best and the Forum will be happy to engage to obtain their views.”
The Consultation opens on 5th December 2019 and will close on 6th February 2020. You can complete the consultation on the Government of Jersey website.