18 October 2019

The Vice-Chair of the States Employment Board, Connétable Richard Buchanan, welcomed today’s announcement by the Fire and Rescue Service Association that its members voted by 98% to accept the 2020 pay offer.
Connétable Buchanan said: “The Government is very pleased that Fire and Rescue colleagues have accepted our 2020 pay offer with such an emphatic vote, bringing months of negotiations to a mutually-satisfactory close.
“This follows settlements reached in recent months by nurses and midwives, police, teachers, headteachers and deputy headteachers.”
The offer to FRSA members for 2020 was September RPI plus 1.3%, plus a further 0.2% to be derived from sharing efficiencies.
Statistics Jersey announced today that September 2019 RPI is 2.7%, which means that the inflation-linked element of 2020 pay deals for many Government pay groups is 4%.