18 January 2019

​Environmental Protection officers are appealing for information after bags of waste were found dumped in the St Clement countryside.
The bags, which contained plaster board, plaster and ceramic tiling, and a bathroom mixer tap were left at the entrance to a field to the west of La Rue de la Louderie, 200 metres from the junction with La Grande Route de la Cote. It is thought that the bags were dumped at some point overnight between Tuesday, 15 January and Wednesday, 16 January.
Richard Runacres, from Environmental Protection said: “This is the second occasion this month where waste from property renovation has been found illegally dumped in Jersey’s countryside. I would like to urge anybody who may have seen suspicious activity in the area, or who may have information about where the waste has come from to get in touch with us.”
The incident was reported to the Environmental Protection department via Love Jersey – a platform that allows islanders to report local issues.
Mr Runacres added: “Love Jersey is a great way to point out issues that need attention and it’s great that islanders have been using the app, but we now really need anyone with any information about who is actually dumping rubbish to contact us directly.”
Islanders with any information about the fly-tipping incident are asked to phone Environmental Protection on +44(0)1534 709 535 or by emailing envprotection@gov.je