19 August 2019

Islanders are invited to have their say on the revision of legislation which aims to ensure greater health and safety in the preparation, service and distribution of food.
The draft Food Safety (Jersey) Law, which will replace the Food Safety (Jersey) Law 1966, will apply to businesses involved in the preparation and sale of food.
Free briefings are being held to enable everyone that works within the industry to get a greater understanding of how the law will affect the industry.
Assistant Director of Environmental Health, Caroline Maffia said: “Jersey already has excellent rates of compliance with best practice in food health and safety and this legislation will offer additional protection for organisations who commit to sustaining high standards of practice.
“This revised legislation will further protect the public against the adverse effects of poor practices within the various industries who deal with food, and the consultation events will offer a chance for the industry to engage with these new measures and speak with officers from Environmental Health about the changes.”
Officers from Environmental Health will continue to carry out checks on businesses to ensure that they are complying with the law. Eat Safe will continue to provide information to the public about the food hygiene standards within a business.
The consultation meetings, which can been booked on Eventbrite are being held on 9, 17 and 18 September.
The closing date of the consultation is Friday 1 November.