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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Tenders invited for Fort Regent

28 May 2019

Fort Regent

Businesses are being invited to tender for two contracts which will help shape the future of Fort Regent.

The first tender is for a company capable of creating events and experiences which will attract islanders to the Fort in the medium-term. The second is for a company able to provide practical commercial advice on the long-term options for the Fort’s use. The winners of both tenders will report into the Political Steering Group.

Deputy Hugh Raymond, the group’s spokesperson, said: “This is a step forward in our long-term goal for the Fort, and we will be seeking companies with international expertise in these specialist areas.

“The Political Steering Group are developing a long-term vision for the Fort and – while we are formulating that vision – we want to ensure that islanders continue to use the Fort. Whoever wins the first contract will be expected to create innovative experiences which attract islanders and ensure that the Fort becomes an increasingly vibrant and well-used space.

“The second company will help us to achieve the long-term vision that we set and so, while it will be a less public-facing role, it will be very important.”

The cost of both tenders will come from money that has already been allocated to the Fort.

Companies will be expected to include a full breakdown of their costs, and the contracts will only be allocated if the quotes fall within those parameters. â€‹

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