30 April 2019

​More than 70 nominations have been received, so far, for an awards ceremony next month to publicly recognise the outstanding dedication and quality of foster carers in Jersey.
The Jersey Foster Carer Award Ceremony 2019 will be held at St Brelade’s Bay Hotel on Saturday 11 May. Ashley John-Baptiste, a BBC presenter, former X-Factor finalist who has experience with foster-care, has been confirmed as the guest speaker at the event.
Jersey’s Children’s Minister, Senator Sam Mézec, is opening the Foster Carer Awards, which will host around 80 foster carers and their families, as well as representatives from Children, Young People, Education and Skills and some States Members who will gather for the special occasion.
Senator Mézec said: “The ceremony is an opportunity to publicly recognise the outstanding dedication and quality of care that foster carers, and those connected to them, offer to our most vulnerable children and young people.
“Foster carers are heroes within our community and it is a pleasure to open this event to honour our foster carers for their selfless commitment to the island’s children.”
A young islander who spent his childhood living in care in Jersey has nominated his foster father Phil Graham for the “Outstanding Contribution to Fostering Award” for this year’s awards. From the age of seven, Jake Le Caudey lived with foster carers Pauline and Phil Graham, whom he describes as “heroes”.
Jake explained why he decided to nominate his foster father for the award: “Phil Graham started off as just a stranger who took me in when I was seven years old but fourteen years of trust, love and support made him so much more. When I was a boy I was scared of the world and most people in it but Phil was one of the few people that made me feel safe.
“He helped me learn what is right and what is wrong and I look up to him not only because, from my point of view, he quite literally saved my sister and I, but also for all the other children he and Pauline took in and helped over the years. Their dedication and selflessness to helping others has had a huge positive impact on the lives of so many children who needed a place to stay where they would feel safe and supported when they needed it most. And Pauline and Phil provided this, without fail, for myself, my sister and so many more. Their home was and always will be a sanctuary.
“So much of what I do and so much of what I strive to achieve I do for them, in the hope that I can make them proud by being a good person. I will do my best to follow their example and put myself forward and help those in need when they need it. Both my foster parents are exceptional and I would not be where I am today without them. They are my family and they are my home and though we are not related by blood when someone asks me who my Father is I tell them Phil Graham: the best man I know and the man I will always look up to.”
The award categories are:
- New Foster Carer Award
- Short Break/Respite Carer Award
- Short Break/Respite Carer Award
- Short Term Carer Award
- Short Term Carer Award
- What is the Criteria for Each Award
- Connected Persons Carer Award
- Young Persons Choice Award
- Outstanding Contribution to Fostering Award
- Permanency Carer Award