07 October 2019

The Government of Jersey has published its gender pay gap figures for the first time. The report shows that the difference in the average (median) pay between all men and women in the workforce is 18.3%.
The gender pay gap shows the difference between the average earnings of men and women. It is not a measure of the difference in pay between men and women doing the same job.
The report covers employees across the whole of the States of Jersey, including the Government of Jersey and Non-Ministerial departments. The publication of this information follows the lead shown by the UK Government, which introduced legislation in 2017 requiring all organisations that employ more than 250 staff to report annually on their gender pay gap figures.
Assistant Chief Minister, Connétable Richard Buchanan, said: “As a public service, we are committed to equal opportunities and fair reward for all employees, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or any other personal characteristic. We pay people equally for the same roles in a pay group, and have been tackling differences in pay for work of equal value between groups.”
The States of Jersey workforce covers many public sector operations which deliver a wide range of central and local government, legal and parliamentary functions and services. They also employ a diverse range of employment groups and professions, spanning a wide array of strategic and delivery activities.
Some of these professions or employment groups have traditionally attracted one gender more than another. For example, teachers and nurses are predominately female, while manual workers and those working in uniformed services (like the Police and Fire and Rescue Service) are predominantly male.
Connétable Buchanan added: “We are committed to working hard to reduce the gender pay gap and will be using this analysis to enhance gender equality in our workforce. We have a plan that outlines how we will achieve wider diversity, by targeting the barriers to progression and by increasing opportunities for employees in under-represented areas of the organisation. We hope that our transparency will encourage other employers in the Island to publish their own gender pay gaps.”
GOJ Gender Pay Gap report