03 December 2019

The Government Plan 2020-23 has been approved by the States Assembly with seven amendments, by 43 votes to two, and two abstentions.
The five-day debate saw 23 amendments lodged for consideration by the States Assembly, three of which were withdrawn by their proposers. Ministers tabled five modifications to amendments they wanted to support, going as far as possible to meet Members’ objectives while maintaining their core principle of balancing income and spending
Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, said: “I would like to thank Members for a robust and stimulating debate about fundamental matters that are critical for our Island. We are all united in wanting the best for islanders, even if we sometimes disagree on how to achieve that.
“In the run-up to the debate Ministers considered all the amendments carefully. We accepted and adjusted where we could, trying to meet Members’ objectives in a way that is sustainable and affordable. There were some, however, that we couldn’t accept as they took funding away from priority areas or established unsustainable spending commitments. We have several reviews underway and once we have received their recommendations, we can make well-evidenced decisions, rather than piecemeal changes that may create more problems than they solve.
“We are already supporting vulnerable Islanders by investing in Children’s Services and health reform, by taking action on climate change, and by modernising government to make our services more efficient. We are doing this while keeping the overall tax burden low, and while balancing impôt increases with corresponding increases in tax-free allowances.
“I appreciate the careful consideration Members have given to this Plan, which combines a four-year package of spending, investment, efficiencies and modernisation proposals. Increasing the price of parking in town was always going to be controversial and we will now need to consider our spending plans in the light of the amendment to this proposal. I note the request for Ministers to establish a new way for backbenchers to feed into the Plan, and we will discuss with Members how they might want to be involved earlier on in the process, before we develop next year’s Plan.
“Now work starts on implementing the Plan’s 89 separate initiatives so we can deliver the priorities that this Assembly agreed in 2018 and secure the sustainable wellbeing of Jersey’s future generations.”
Government Plan debate
Amendment 4 – (Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel) increase road fuel duty by 4p per litre rather than by 6p. This would reduce the transfer to the Climate Emergency Fund by £1 million.
(lost 32-14)
Amendment 10 – (Deputy Rob Ward) proposed (paragraph a) to increase GST on luxury cars and transfer the resulting income into the Climate Emergency Fund. He also asked (paragraph b) for an estimate of the impact of reducing GST on solar panels, electric vehicles and heating, insulation and double glazing.
(para a lost 33-14, para b adopted 38-8)
Amendment to amendment 10 – (Deputy Morel) increase GST on heavy domestic cars
(para a lost 38-9, para b lost 33-12, para c adopted 39-8)
Amendment 13 – (Deputy of St Peter) restrict impot duties on alcohol to RPI (2.7%)
(lost 29-14)
Amendment 17 – (Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel) increase Child Allowances and Child Care Tax Relief.
(lost 32-14)
Amendment 20 – (Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel) increase stamp duty on properties that sell for more than £1 million, raising an extra £1.06 million
(lost 32-13)
Amendment 22 – (Council of Ministers) reduce transfer from Consolidated Fund to Stabilisation Fund
(adopted as amended)
Amendment 5 – (Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel) increase capital investment in Sport Division, GHE
(adopted as amended)
Amendment 6 – (Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel) proposes not to establish the Financial Stability Board, saving £150,000.
(lost 31-15)
Amendment 7 – (Government Plan Review Panel) remove Efficiencies Plan from the Government Plan and debate it separately.
(lost 31-13 with 3 abstentions)
Amendment 11 – (Deputy Inna Gardiner) increase funding for the Youth Service.
(part 1 lost 17-30, Part 2 adopted 47-0 with 2 amendments)
Amendment 15 – (Connétable of St Helier) allocate £15,000 to set up a Policy Development Board to consider which activities, responsibilities and services could be delivered by a Conseil Municipal of St Helier.
(amendment withdrawn. Proposer bringing proposition next year)
Amendment 18 – (Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel) increase Food Costs Bonus.
(adopted 40-0, amendment withdrawn)
Amendment 23 – (Deputy Louise Doublet) allocate an extra £91,000 to employ an Infant Feeding Lead and two part-time peer supporters to help mothers to breastfeed.
(lost 30-17)
Amendment 14 – (Connétable of St Helier) decisions on spending from the Climate Emergency Fund should be decided by a Committee of States Members elected by the States Assembly.
Amendment 12 – (Senator Kristina Moore) give £350,000 in sponsorship to OceansLab – Race to Zero Emissions
Amendment 3 – (Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel) use money from the Strategic Reserve, rather than from the Consolidated Fund, to establish the Climate Emergency Fund
(lost 30-11)
Amendment 19 – (Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel) move £5 million into an Assisted Home Ownership Scheme
(lost 31-12)
Amendment 1 – (Deputy Geoff Southern) extra £0.9 million to subsidise the cost of GP appointments for certain groups.
(lost 25-19)
Amendment 16 – (Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel) reduce the increase in contributions to the Long Term Care (LTC) charge to 0.5%
(adopted unamended 24-21)
Amendment 9 – (Deputy Carina Alves) increase contributions paid on earnings and self-employed income above £53,000 a year and increase the duration and value of parental benefits, over and above the proposals put forward in the Government Plan.
(lost: part 1 and 3(3) 35-9, part 2 35-9, part 3(1) and (2) 34-10
Amendment 21 – (Senator Sam Mézec) remove income ceiling on long-term care (LTC) contributions instead of increasing the LTC contribution rate by 1% in 2020.
(lost 36-11)
Amendment 8 – (Deputy Higgins) increase annual funding for the four cadet forces.
(adopted – 38-11)
Amendment 2 – (Deputy R Labey) remove extension of paid car-parking hours from the Efficiency Programme.
(adopted 30-12)
Amendment to amendment 2 – (Council of Ministers) reduce proposed increase in paid car-parking hours by one hour and increase parking charges by 5p per hour
(lost 29-14)​