19 November 2019

​Islanders have until this Friday, 22 November to make donations at the Central Market towards Age Concern’s Christmas hamper appeal.
The Central Market has supported Operation Hamper again this year, a hamper appeal in aid of charity, Age Concern who support elderly islanders.
Age Concern arrange an annual collection of non-perishable/items with a long shelf life such as canned foods, tea bags, coffee, biscuits donated from members of the public.
Public Markets Manager, Simone Glendewar said: “We are always proud to support Age Concern throughout the Christmas period, as we have done for three years now. We have placed boxes around the Central Market for members of the public to donate various food items. We thank the generous donations received so far and welcome more in the run up to Age Concern’s deadline this week.”
The charity will be collecting donations on Friday, 22 November to distribute the goods to the elderly in time for Christmas. Last year, over 300 Christmas hampers were given out to elderly residents made up of public donations.
Senior Manager, Paul Simmonds from Age Concern Jersey said: “Once again, we are delighted and extremely grateful for the continued support the charity has received from the Central Market staff, shop owners and members of public who have donated goods for our Christmas hampers and raffle. This campaign means so much to our members, knowing that someone is thinking of them over the festive season. It really helps to maintain independence, confidence and connection with the community.”
If members of the public wish to donate items for the hamper appeal, they can do so at the Central Market until Friday, 22 November or contact Age Concern on 01534 758922.