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Board set up to draw up a homelessness strategy

12 August 2019

Key in door

The Minister for Children and Housing has welcomed the formation of an independent board which will help develop a homelessness strategy for Jersey.

Senator Sam Mézec said he was pleased to support the launch of the homelessness review and strategy adding that the work was consistent with the Council of Ministers’ Common Strategic Policy to reduce income inequality and improve the standard of living for islanders.

A Strategic Board, which brings together professionals from the public, charitable and private sectors, has been set up to oversee the development of the strategy. The board is being chaired independently by, Simon Burgess, a Chartered Surveyor and managing director at Jersey-headquartered international financial services business, Ocorian, which is also supporting the running of the project. The board will oversee the review and strategy which is being prepared collaboratively between the Government of Jersey, voluntary and community organisations and housing providers.

The work aims to identify the scope and nature of homelessness in Jersey and outline how to tackle the issue. It is expected that that the review and strategy will be completed by early 2020.

Senator MĂ©zec said: "When I became Minister for Children and Housing, I said that I was concerned about the number of people in Jersey who were at risk of experiencing homelessness. I therefore made it one of my priorities to tackle homelessness and ensure that appropriate accommodation and support are in place to prevent people from becoming homeless."

Senator MĂ©zec added that the review would help shape the homelessness strategy.

He said: "This document will be owned by the community and will set out the steps we need to take to tackle homelessness. I do not underestimate the challenges we will need to address, but we will not shy away from difficult findings or recommendations. The Government of Jersey will be a key partner in taking forward many of the actions in the strategy, working collaboratively with voluntary and community organisations, housing providers and the private sector to deliver the actions from the strategy."

To find out more about the independent Strategic Board log-on to

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