29 March 2019
Islanders planning to drive in Europe are reminded that Vienna Convention International Driving Permits (IDPs) could soon become a requirement.
The permits are valid from today (Friday 29 March), as Jersey becomes a recognised signatory of the Vienna Convention.
Islanders wishing to drive in most EU countries will not need an IDP from today, because the UK is still a part of the Common Transport Area. However, once the UK leaves the EU, Vienna Convention IDPs may become necessary for all islanders driving in Europe.
Anyone who is intending to drive in Europe, and who does not expect to return until after Brexit, is therefore advised to make sure that they obtain the correct IDP for the jurisdiction(s) that they will be travelling to. The Vienna Convention IDPs could become a requirement from Friday 12 April, if a no deal Brexit occurs.
Islanders requiring a permit can apply at their Parish Hall. The permits cost £10 each, and a full, valid Jersey driving licence is needed in order to apply. Further information, as well as the necessary form, is available on the parish web pages.