29 November 2019

The 2019 report on the Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey has been released today by Statistics Jersey.
Over 1,000 randomly chosen households took part in the survey which collects information on the behaviours and opinions of Islanders.
Survey topics for 2019 included views on:
- children and families (parental confidence and support)
- Jersey Youth Service
- health (with a focus on diet and physical activity)
- wellbeing (including people's ability to cope financially)
- heritage sites
- telecoms and internet usage
- fire prevention
- living in Jersey (including people's trust in civic institutions)
The survey was run independently by Statistics Jersey, with individual government departments requesting specific topic areas to be included. The results allow everyone in the Island to have a better understanding of social issues, and help in government decision-making.
This survey was formerly known as the Jersey Annual Social Survey, which has been run since 2005 and was renamed in 2016.
Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey report 2019