09 August 2019
The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, Senator Lyndon Farnham, has issued the statement below, following the issuing of a licence to Jersey Hemp. The licence will allow Jersey Hemp to harvest, process and store the hemp flower in preparation for cannabidiol (CBD) extraction.
Senator Farnham said: “I am very pleased that the Government of Jersey has granted this licence to Jersey Hemp. The licence represents a significant opportunity for the island’s economy, allowing us to begin cultivating and processing hemp for the extraction of CBD – a growing market, both in the UK and internationally.
“Extracting Jersey-produced CBD will allow the island to take its place in this fast developing sector, supplying controlled and reliable CBD products with strong British Isles provenance. Jersey has real potential in this area, and the issuing of this licence signals our clear intent to position ourselves as a centre of excellence in CBD production, research, genetics and intellectual property.”