23 December 2019

Following a successful year-long trial closure of Chasse Brunet to through-traffic, the Government of Jersey and St Saviour's Parish have agreed to implement it permanently.
The scheme, which is part of the Safer Routes to School initiative:
- provides safe and healthy travel options
- reduces car use
- encourages walking, cycling and bus use
The evaluation at the end of the trial, earlier this month, showed a 20% increase in footfall during the morning peak time and a 41% increase during the afternoon peak. The greatest increase was among young people going to and from Grainville School.
Primary-school-aged children are also walking to and from school, some independently, which was not observed before the trial began. This would suggest that parents are feeling more confident in allowing their children to walk to school in what they perceive to be a safer environment.
Parishioners have been made aware of the plans to keep the road closed, which has the support of St Saviour’s Connétable and President of the Roads Committee, Sadie Le Sueur-Rennard.
“The Roads Committee has been encouraged by the feedback from parishioners during the past 12 months of the trail closure,” she said. “We believe the objectives to increase safety for students and the reduction in cars has been met, therefore we have recommended the road be permanently closed to traffic. We are now writing to the Minister for Infrastructure to ask him to take the necessary action.”
The Minister, Deputy Kevin Lewis, is being asked to sign a Ministerial Decision to implement the closure on a permanent basis.
Deputy Lewis said: “I’m pleased this scheme has worked well in the area which I understand has seen a large improvement in traffic flow and access for pedestrians. The Safer Routes to School initiative aligns with the government’s priorities to put children first so it’s encouraging to know this has made a real difference.”
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