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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Businesses urged to renew liquor licences

22 October 2019

Businesses that sell alcohol are being urged to renew their liquor licence before the annual deadline of 5pm on Tuesday, 5 November 2019.

The cost of renewing a liquor licence will remain at the standard rate until 5 November. However, if a business misses this date and files a late application between 6 November and 14 December, they will be charged a late fee of ÂŁ200 in addition to the standard rate.

Renewal applications cannot be submitted after the 14 December, so any business that fails to submit a renewal before this date will see their licence expire on 24 December. In order to be licenced again, a new application would then be required. New applications must be approved by the Licensing Assembly, who are next due to meet in March 2020, therefore the business would be unable to sell alcohol for a significant period of time.

Sophie Le Sueur, Group Director of Customer and Local Services said: “We expect approximately 700 businesses to be renewing their liquor licences this year, but so far we have had very few applications. We urge businesses to submit their renewal applications before 5 November to avoid additional charges or ending up without a licence.”

Application forms are available to download and should be submitted in person at Customer and Local Services at La Motte Street along with the business’ existing paper licence.

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