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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Interim migration report published

24 October 2019

The Migration Policy Development Board (MPDB) has published an interim report summarising its research surrounding migration controls and how any changes could be used to help reduce the island’s reliance on inward migration.

The research highlights key factors, including:

  • the current administration of the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012
  • a review of international migration and immigration models
  • the impact of migration on public services; and
  • how the skills gap could influence future proposals.

The MPDB was formed in March 2019 by the Chief Minister, Senator John Le FondrĂ©.    The Panel will report its evidence and findings to the Chief Minister to help to shape future policies relating to who can come to live, work and access public services in the island.

The Board continues to gather evidence from the island’s business sector as well as wider stakeholders in the community as part of the ongoing work.

Assistant Chief Minister, Constable Christopher Taylor and Chair of the MPDB, said: “This report is an important piece of work containing research and evidence to help inform the debate on how to develop meaningful and sustainable migration controls in the future.

“The Board is working hard together with representatives from business, environmental and community organisations. We are on track to make recommendations to the Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers by early 2020, with the intention that the States’ Assembly can have a well-informed debate on migration control policy in the second quarter of 2020.

“This is an emotive, yet complex issue and it is important we get it right.”

The Board publishes details of its meetings and evidence online. Anyone wishing to provide additional evidence or comments to the Board is welcome to make a written submission to

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