26 September 2019

This report from Statistics Jersey details the number of deaths occurring in calendar year 2018, along with their distribution by age, sex, and cause. Age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs) have been calculated to give comparisons with previous years and with other parts of the UK.
In 2018
- there were 820 Jersey residents recorded as having died, 420 males and 400 females
- the crude mortality rate was 7.7 deaths per 1,000 population
- the age-standardised mortality rate (ASMR) for Jersey was 880 per 100,000 population, significantly lower than the 2018 ASMR for England (957)
- the average (mean) age at death for Jersey residents was 78 years; this has increased by 11 years since 1960 when the mean average was 67 years
- neoplasms (cancers) remained the most frequent cause of death, accounting for almost one in three (30%) of all deaths
- there were 130 deaths of individuals of working age (aged 16-64 years), more than two-thirds (68%) of these were male
- almost a third (32%) of all deaths were of people below 75 years of age
To see the entire follow the link
Mortality Reports 2018