A children’s cancer nurse specialist, who supports young islanders and their families, has been shortlisted for a Nursing Times Award. 
Claire Doran, who provides clinical, emotional and practical support to children from newborn to 17 after a cancer diagnosis, is in the running for a national award which celebrates nursing excellence across a broad range of categories. Ms Doran, who has been the island’s paediatric oncology nurse specialist for the past three years, has been short-listed under the Child and Adolescent Services category. 
Ms Doran, who previously worked as a staff nurse on Robin Ward at the General Hospital before she underwent training to become a paediatric oncology nurse specialist, said: "It came as a complete shock to hear I’d been short-listed but I’m delighted.
"My job is emotionally challenging at times, but I feel really privileged that families let me in during such a difficult time. Obviously professional boundaries are there but it is a very personal role. I get to know families very well and they get to know me very well. I have some clinical duties, however the biggest proportion of my time is given to co-ordinating treatment and providing emotional support." 
As part of her role Ms Doran liaises with the multi-disciplinary teams in the UK and Jersey involved with a young person’s treatment, arranges travel for patients and their families as well as co-ordinates and administers chemotherapy. 
The role of paediatric oncology nurse specialist has been funded by the charity The Antoine Trust for the past six years. Health and Community Services has recently taken over financing the post, but the Antoine Trust hopes to continue to work with Claire on other projects going forward. 
Anne Willing, trustee of The Antoine Trust, said: "The Trustees are delighted that the importance of the role and in particular Claire’s complete dedication to it are being recognised in this way. We are proud to have been able to facilitate the development of the role and even more so of Claire’s achievements." 
Ms Doran, a Leeds University graduate who found her passion for working in paediatric oncology while working in Australia, said: "I’m proud to be in a position to be able to develop nursing practice by acting as an expert resource through providing education and support to the wider multi-disciplinary teams which helps to improve patient outcomes." 
Becky Sherrington, head of nursing and governance, said: "It is wonderful news that the hard-work and dedication Claire has put in to developing the role of paediatric oncologist nurse specialist has been recognised through her being short-listed for this award. 
"As a specialist nurse, Claire plays a vital part in keeping patients and their loved ones fully informed about their diagnosis and treatment as well as providing much-needed emotional support at what is a devastating time for families."
Chief Nurse Rose Naylor added: "I’m thrilled that Claire’s commitment and passion to her work has resulted in her being in the running for such a prestigious award. The feedback she receives from patients’ families just goes to show she is truly deserving of this recognition."