15 April 2019

Physiotherapy patients are being asked to give feedback on the treatment they have received as the department looks to see how it can improve its services.
From Monday 15 April outpatients as well as patients on wards at the General Hospital and Overdale will be given the opportunity to fill out a survey about their care.
Paper forms will be used initially which will be sent every month to the UK for a specialist company to analyse in order to compile a report for staff. In the long-term the department intends to roll out electronic forms.
Questions such as ‘How likely are you to recommend our service to friends and family if they need similar care or treatment?’ and ‘Did you feel involved enough in decisions made about you?’ feature on the form.
It is hoped that up to 200 forms – which also include a blank box for patients to leave detailed feedback – will be filled out each month. Patients will be able complete the survey anonymously and deposit their form in special post boxes based in the outpatient department and on the wards.
Lesley Hill, Operational Manager for Physiotherapy, said: "We want to find out about what was good about a patient’s care and what could be improved.
"We want to know what patients think about the service to help us improve. This survey is an important way to demonstrate the quality of care that patients feel that they are getting."