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Minister responds to States of Jersey Police Association Survey

03 May 2019

The Minister for Home Affairs, ConnĂ©table Len Norman, welcomes the States of Jersey Police Association 2019 Well-Being Survey. 

The survey was conducted between 27 March – 12 April 2019, and identified that significant improvements have been made over the last 12 months regarding the work / life balance of Police Officers and overall morale. Senior management within the Force have worked hard to improve communication and have acted upon key issues identified in last years’ report.

There has been some focus in the media regarding the amount of Officers stating that they would not be working for the Force in a year from now. However, this figure has declined, and there will always be natural attrition of staff due to retirement, individuals leaving the Island, maternity leave or those wishing to change career.      

Minister for Home Affairs, Connétable Len Norman, commented:

“I am very encouraged by the changes and improvements that I have witnessed over the last 12 months, since the initial States of Jersey Police Association Well-Being Survey. I’m regularly updated by my colleagues within the Force of the progress made and mindful that it takes time for changes to embed.

The States of Jersey Police have recently bid for an increase in resources, of which I am very supportive and our need to protect the public of Jersey.”       

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