14 January 2019

Islanders are reminded that the Government of Jersey’s ‘Ready for Brexit’ week starts today. This series of events is designed to share the government’s ongoing preparations for the UK’s exit from the European Union.
Representatives from the Ministry of External Relations will provide updates on their engagement with the UK Government and will clarify the legal and practical implications of Brexit for the island and its businesses.
A series of presentations, drop-ins, seminars and exhibitions will offer islanders the opportunity to have any questions answered, including any concerns about the continuity of supply chains to the Channel Islands. Senator Ian Gorst, Minister for External Relations will set out the contingency work undertaken to prepare for various Brexit scenarios.
Senator Gorst said: “This week is an opportunity for islanders to become more aware of the preparations in place for Brexit and the impact it may have on them. We have collaborated with a number of partners including Jersey Business, the Jersey Chamber of Commerce, Jersey Finance and the Jersey Hospitality Association.”
Graeme Smith, CEO of Jersey Business, who are hosting a series of seminars on Wednesday 16 January, said: “We urge islanders to sign up for some of the events taking place this week. It’s a fantastic opportunity to further understand the potential impact Brexit may have on businesses in Jersey and the plans in place to adjust to that impact.”
Murray Norton, CEO of the Jersey Chamber of Commerce, who are hosting a lunch on Wednesday where Senator Gorst will give his keynote address, commented: “We know there have been concerns raised recently about potential disruption at UK Ports and supply chains to the Channel Islands. We have been in regular discussion with the government on this topic, and want to help raise awareness of the contingency plans in place to prepare for various Brexit outcomes.”
There is a Questions and Answer Panel with Ministers and senior officials taking place this evening from 6pm at the Royal Yacht Hotel which will be live streamed from the States of Jersey Facebook page. Tickets are still available via Eventbrite.