07 January 2019

Islanders are being encouraged to attend a series of events aimed at engaging residents and businesses in Jersey’s Brexit preparations.
‘Ready for Brexit’ (#ReadyBrex) week starts on Monday 14 January, and today the Government of Jersey is releasing a schedule of events which have been organised to support businesses and share ongoing plans with the public as the island prepares for the UK’s exit from the European Union.
There has already been significant interest in the launch event, hosted by the Chief Minister and the Minister for External Relations, with more than 95% of the 300 seats taken. The Ministers will set out the government’s ongoing preparations for Brexit, including plans for various exit scenarios. Representatives from the Ministry of External Relations will also provide an update on their work with the UK government, the Jersey-EU Settlement Scheme, and the legal and practical implications for islanders and their businesses.
Further events throughout the week will take place at various locations around the island and will include seminars, presentations and lunches as well as more relaxed pop-up events and Q&A sessions – one of which will give the public a chance to quiz Ministers and officials about the government’s plans for Brexit. Anyone who cannot attend can email their questions to letstalkbrexit@gov.je.
Islanders who want to know more about the Jersey-EU Settlement Scheme, passport changes and travelling post-Brexit can attend pop-up events when officers from the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service will answer questions about the Scheme and provide a live demonstration of the online application process. They will also answer any concerns about passport validity or travelling with pets following Brexit.
Businesses can find out more about the impact of Brexit by attending a Jersey Business seminar on exporting and importing products as well as a broader session on how the UK’s departure from the EU will affect local businesses. There will also be a Chamber of Commerce lunch with a keynote speech given by Senator Ian Gorst, Minister for External Relations, who will set out the contingency work undertaken to prepare the island’s residents and businesses for Brexit, and will explore the opportunities for Jersey in the post-Brexit world.
The programme of events ends with a Public Scrutiny Hearing on Friday 18 January, when Senator Gorst will take questions from the Brexit Review Panel.
Senator Gorst said: “‘Ready for Brexit’ week will give islanders an opportunity to find out about the government’s extensive ongoing preparations so they are aware of the impact that Brexit may have on them and their families or colleagues.
“With a full programme of events, islanders can understand all aspects of our Brexit plans whether they are a business owner, resident or student. There is a significant amount of work being undertaken by the Ministry of External Relations Global Markets Team, and we have collaborated with a number of partners to organise ‘Ready for Brexit’ week including Jersey Business, Jersey Finance, the Jersey Chamber of Commerce, the Jersey Hospitality Association, Locate Jersey and Jersey Overseas Aid.”
The full schedule of ‘Ready for Brexit’ events, and links to register to attend events, will be on gov.je and social media. Anyone wishing to register their interest can email letstalkbrexit@gov.je.