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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

New redress scheme for those abused in care

23 April 2019

Woman with head in hands

A redress scheme to provide financial compensation to people who, in the past, suffered abuse or harm while in States of Jersey care is to be launched in July.

The Children and Housing Minister Senator Sam MĂ©zec today (Tuesday 23 April) announced that the scheme will be open to those who suffered abuse or harm while in States of Jersey foster care and residential care after 1994 or while at Les ChĂȘnes secure residential unit.

Money has been allocated to the scheme from Central Contingencies in 2019 and the funding has now been approved by the Treasury and Resources Minister Deputy Susie Pinel.

The redress scheme will launch on 1 July 2019 and will be open for applications for 12 months – closing on 30 June 2020.

Further information on the format and rules of the scheme, and the compensation that will be provided, will be made available in the coming weeks. The new fund comes after a redress scheme was launched in 2012 to provide compensation to people who suffered abuse in States of Jersey residential care from 1945 to 1994.

Senator MĂ©zec said: "The Independent Jersey Care Inquiry told us that our island’s institutions failed children and their families both between 1945 and 1994 and after 1994. We are truly sorry for this failure. This new redress scheme aims to help recognise this failure as well as to support those that have been affected. In the coming weeks I will be able to provide more information about the details of the new redress scheme.

"I urge anyone who is in distress as a result of this announcement to contact their GP for initial support. Alternatively, if you feel the need to speak to someone urgently at any time of the day call the Samaritans on their Freephone number 116123 and if you feel you are at immediate risk to yourself please go to the Emergency Department at the General Hospital where immediate support can be provided."

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