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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

New redress scheme opens in Jersey

02 July 2019

​A new year-long scheme to provide redress to people who, as children, suffered abuse or harm, between 1945 and 2005 has been launched in Jersey.

This is for people who were either a resident in a Government of Jersey children’s home, in a Government of Jersey foster care placement or accommodated at Les Chênes secure residential unit between those dates.

A previous scheme, launched in 2012, provided redress to people who suffered abuse or harm in Jersey’s residential care system. That scheme was launched before publication of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry report which found failings in Les Chênes secure residential unit and government foster case, as well as residential care.

Children and Housing Minister Senator Sam Mézec said: “This new redress scheme recognises that, over a period of many years, the government did not act as it should have to protect children from harm and abuse in foster care and in Les Chênes secure residential unit, as well as residential care. We are sorry that we failed those children and their families.”

Funding has been allocated to the scheme from Central Contingencies in 2019, with approval from the Treasury and Resources Minister Deputy Susie Pinel.

The new Jersey Redress Scheme is open for applications for 12 months from 1 July 2019 until 30 June 2020.

Application forms are available:

• online
• by email:
• by phone: 01534 441014
• by post: Redress Team, Morier House, Morier House, Halkett Place, St Helier

Or from:

• Jersey Citizens Advice Bureau, St Paul’s Centre, New Street, St Helier
• Customer and Local Services, Philip Le Feuvre House, La Motte Street, St Helier
• States Assembly Information Centre, Morier House, Halkett Place, St Helier
• Jersey Library, Halkett Place, St Helier

All application forms must be submitted to the Redress Team at Morier House, Halkett Place, St Helier Jersey JE1 1DD by 30 June 2020 at the latest. After that date the scheme will be closed to new applications.

If you have been affected by abuse in residential or foster care and would like to speak to someone, you can contact Victim Support Jersey on tel: 01534 440496. Or, if you want to talk to someone out of hours, call Jersey Samaritans on Freephone: 116123.

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